Продукция завода ООО «УСОЛЬМАШ» стала призёром конкурса «100 лучших товаров России»! | «Усольмаш»

The products of the USOLMASH LLC plant became the winner of the «100 best goods of Russia» competition!

The products manufactured by USOLMASH LLC and submitted to the competition have successfully passed the regional stage of the competition and received a first-degree diploma in the category «Products for industrial and technical purposes». Such products included the conditioning tanks for the pre-flotation pulp and reagent mixture and operating reagent preparation.

The evaluation board recommended the products of our plant for participation at the federal stage of the competition «100 best goods of Russia», according to the results of which we were among the best. We received a laureate diploma as a result of presentation of a standard range of electric pump units.

Victory in this competition is a worthy assessment of the competitiveness and high quality of our products being the result of well-coordinated work, high competency, and high efficiency of the entire team.